White guy asks black woman to bleach her skin to be white, woman's response is perfect
Takara Allen is tired of white men on Tinder saying she'd be "prettier" if she was white...

Takara Allen is tired of white men on Tinder saying she’d be “prettier” if she were white.
Allen, who is black, told “The Daily Mail” she was “devastated” when a white man she went on one date with suggested she “bleach” her skin.
The 22-year-old make-up artist posted the text exchange on her Facebook page, as well as her response.
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Don’t think I’m a creep and I don’t wanna be offensive or anything but I was just looking [at] your insta photos and just curious, but have you ever thought about bleaching your skin?? You’d look so much prettier if you were whiter!
Allen’s response to the guy? Why don’t you try “drinking bleach?”
Have you ever considered drinking bleach because the world would be so much prettier if you did✌.
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After the text exchange, Allen posted a more personal note to her Facebook page:
I’ve grown up hearing ‘You’d be prettier if you were lighter’ and ‘You’re pretty for a black girl,’ as if black women are just generally unattractive, and so it’s a surprise when one of us is. Not to mention the fact that as a mixed race woman people are constantly hitting me with the ‘but you’re so pretty, what are you mixed with?’ bulls*** when I simply say ‘I’m black’. As if black can’t be beautiful on it’s [sic] own and that I should be grateful to be mixed with something because whatever I’m mixed with makes the black ‘okay’ all of a sudden.
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Read the rest of Allen’s response here, it’s worth a read.