Home Depot slams its worker’s ‘America Was Never Great’ cap mocking Donald Trump

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NEW YORK (AP) — Home Depot says one of its New York City stores will take steps to ensure employees aren’t promoting political messages at work after one wore a cap opposing a Donald Trump slogan.

The Staten Island Advance newspaper says the action was prompted after an image of an employee wearing the cap went viral Wednesday.

Krystal Lake, 22, says she went to work wearing a hat that read “America Was Never Great,” a twist on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s slogan “Make America Great Again.”

She says her point was America “needs changing and improvement.” She says co-workers have worn pro-Trump pins and pendants.

Lake is black. She says she’s received death threats and racist remarks.

Atlanta-based Home Depot Inc. says workers aren’t allowed to wear items reflecting political statements.


Information from: Staten Island Advance, http://www.silive.com

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