White man to black Starbucks employee: ‘You’re garbage…I voted for Trump!’

A disgruntled customer at a Starbucks franchise near the University of Miami became upset because his order was taking too long and claimed “white discrimination.”

According to Jorge de Cárdenas, the white customer screamed “Trump!” at a black employee and claimed that “white discrimination” was the reason for his order taking so long. He then threatened to punch someone and also called another employee “garbage.”

“He said it was ‘anti-white discrimination,'” Cárdenas said, “so he started disparaging the staff. One patron called him an a**hole, so he said, ‘F**k you, b**ch.’ That’s when I started filming.”

In the video, the man can be seen demanding his money back for his order, saying, “I voted for Trump! Trump! You lost, now give me my money back.”

The man then asks the black employee for her name so he can report her to management.

“What is your name?” he asked. “What is your name? I want your card. You are garbage. You are complete trash.”

Another customer tried to step in, saying, “Come on. There’s no need to talk like that. You want to talk like that, take it outside. But do not talk to other people that way.”

The two then argue and nearly come to blows when the irate customer finally threatens to “punch out” the interloper before storming out of the establishment.

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