Remy Ma to start fund for women who can’t conceive children

In a video for Citizens of Woke Wonderland, Remy Ma delivers an impassioned message about women who are not able to conceive due to health complications.

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Remy Ma is using her celebrity platform to advocate for women who can’t conceive children, and promised to start a fund to help those who want to be moms, but can’t afford expensive medical procedures to do so.

In a video for Citizens of Woke Wonderland, the Bronx rapper delivered an impassioned message about women who may not be able to conceive due to health complications. Remy, 37, shared her own struggle to conceive after she got pregnant only to find out she had a ectopic pregnancy, which meant that her baby was growing inside of her fallopian tube as opposed to her uterus.

Thankfully she had the finances for medical treatments so that she could someday expand her family. However, through that experience she realized that most women going through the same or similar thing are not able to shell out the thousands of dollars it takes to treat.

“I’m trying to start my own fund right now,” Remy Ma said, “so that women who are like me, or have a similar situation to me, but they can’t afford it, could possibly get these procedures done and have children, because as a woman, that’s one of the things that you can do that no other being can do.”

The rapper also called out pro-life politicians who want to take away women’s rights to have an abortion, and yet not advocate for women who actually want to conceive. “If you’re pro-life, why would you not set up something so women who can’t conceive and women who want to be to be mothers and women who want to have children can do so?” she queried.

“When that is taken away from you it should not be because of money,” she added. “People put too much of a value on money as opposed to a value on life.”

Watch Remy Ma’s full message below.

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