Woman throws cup of urine on bus driver because he wasn’t ‘courteous’ enough

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A woman was arrested after throwing a cup filled with her own urine onto a bus driver because she felt that he was not being “courteous” enough to her.

On Saturday night, the woman was caught on camera opening the lid on the cup and pouring the contents on the bus driver.

“I was provoked,” the woman told NBC 4 on Wednesday. “I hate the Metro.”

She claimed that the impetus for the attack was the driver’s sarcastic attitude when the driver told her to have a nice day.

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She said that she had been running late for an appointment when she boarded the bus and had to use the bathroom badly. She decided to go in a cup that she had on her and planned to throw it away once she got off the bus, but the driver’s sarcastic tone angered her enough that she threw it at the driver instead.

“She could have been more courteous,” the woman said.

However, she later admitted to NBC 4 that she felt bad about the attack and wanted to apologize to the driver.

Police said that there was no apparent motive for the attack.

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