Kevin Hart and Eniko show united front amid sex scandal

Just days after Kevin Hart appeared in a sexual video being used in an extortion scheme against him and apologized to his wife for his error in judgment, Hart and his wife, Eniko, were spotted out and about together.

On Tuesday, they were seen in Woodland Hills going out to lunch together, their first public appearance since Hart’s apology video on Saturday. While they were not holding hands or anything, it was clear they were united, and Eniko was still wearing her wedding ring.

Hart said that the lunch date was a “family moment.”

Hart had been filming his latest movie, Night School, in Atlanta on Monday but apparently went back home so that he could be with his wife in the middle of the controversy. He is currently also working with police trying to track down whoever is extorting him.

#PressPlay #KevinHart & #EnikoHart were spotted for the first time since his public apology ?

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