Teenager gets hit by train while trying to get her phone back

subway thegrio
(Adobe Photo Stock)

Everyone knows that teenagers have an unhealthy obsession with their cell phones but Chanelle Agnew has taken her love of her smartphone to a whole new level.

While she was standing on the Bergen Street subway platform in Brooklyn and the phone fell from her hands she didn’t leave it there, instead, she jumped down onto the tracks in order to fetch it.

While she was on the tracks the subway was coming into the station and she was lucky to not lose a limb or worse, die.

Witnesses saw her standing on the northbound platform at approximately 2:20 om when she dropped the phone.

“I saw her in the tracks trying to pick something up. And then I heard her hit. I heard the thump,” said the train’s operator, Devone Mason.

“I didn’t know if she was alive or dead.”

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Mason then got out and looked under the train car and saw Agnew there, a little banged up, but otherwise okay. The kicker? The teen was still holding onto her smartphone.

“She was down there still moving,” said Mason who also said it was the first time in 17 years that she saw someone get hit.

“I’m still a little jumpy,” she said.

When emergency services arrived on scene they got Agnew out from under the subway train and put her on a stretcher.

The entire time, Agnew stayed on her phone and as soon as she was outside and able to get cell service she began calling people.

Agnew was taken to Methodist Hospital where she is expected to make a full recovery.

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