White supremacist trolls Maxine Waters on plane, takes selfie while she sleeps

Chuck C. Johnson decided to post creepy selfie with napping congresswoman

Chuck C. Johnson decided to post creepy selfie with napping congresswoman

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A white supremacist spotted Maxine Waters on a plane and decided to take a creepy selfie while she slept.

Chuck C. Johnson, a Holocaust denier who recently made the news by pushing a narrative of false sexual harassment allegations against Chuck Schumer, spotted Auntie Maxine on the plane and decided to play the part of the super creep.

He waited until she was asleep before slipping over to her seat in first class and posing with her.

The picture, which was taken on a flight from Washington, D.C. to California, is creepy enough. And the comments on it are about what you’d think from the followers of a white supremacist.

George Zimmerman even commented on the image. “I guess the WE THE PEOPLE are paying for first class ticket so she can sleep on the plane,” he commented. He also referred to Waters as another fellow Black congresswoman writing, “Corrine Brown is trying to Flee her prison sentence.”

Waters’ opponent weighs in

But perhaps most disturbing of all: Omar Navarro, Waters’ opponent for her House seat, commented on the creepy picture.

Navarro’s simple “LOL” comment has since been deleted, but it still raised a lot of eyebrows. What kind of congressional candidate looks at a white supremacist creeper pic and decides to comment on it at all?

Then again, this is the same political climate in which Roy Moore, an accused pedophile, only barely lost to Doug Jones in Alabama; and one in which Donald Trump, who has also been accused of sexual misconduct, is still the president of the United States.

So, all things considered, maybe it isn’t so surprising. Sadly, this might just be politics as usual nowadays.

Navarro has since taken down the comment.

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