Former Trump campaign manager addresses sexual harassment claims in bizarre interview

Luther Vandross was outed as gay after his death.

Corey Lewandowski, a former campaign manager for Donald Trump and the author of Let Trump Be Trump, responded to sexual harassment claims on Fox news in a strange interview that seemed to fixate more on the interviewer than Lewandowski.

The interviewer, Charles Payne, had been suspended by Fox earlier this year. He came back to the network a few months later, but Lewandowski couldn’t let Payne’s past go.

When Payne asked him about the allegations, Lewandowski said, “Well, Charles, I think as someone who has been through this, you understand that there is a due process and there is a process which they will go through to determine a person’s innocence, which I think you’ve been through, and you understand it and you respect it.”

“Yeah. I think everyone understands and respects it,” Payne said.

But when Payne tried to ask Lewandowski why Joy Villa would accuse him of sexual harassment, Lewandowski went right back to Payne’s past.

“That’s a question for her. I’m not here to speak for Joy,” he said. “What I am going to do is to let the process play forward just as you did when you were accused of sexual harassment in your own case.”

It was a bizarre interview, especially since it was the first Lewandowski did since the allegations surfaced, and it’s hard to watch.

Check out the clip below.

“Demeaning and shocking”

Villa, who wore a “Make America Great Again” dress to the 2017 Grammys, claimed that Lewandowski inappropriately touched her a party at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. last month.

She claimed that Lewandoswki repeatedly hit her in the buttocks at the party. The shocked Villa, who has Congressional ambitions in her home state of Florida, described the whole experience as “demeaning and shocking.”

Villa has since filed a sexual assault claim against Lewandowski over the incident.