11 essential safety tips for traveling solo

Do not have your vacation ruined because you were not prepared. Always do thorough research before you go and do your best to ensure your own safety.

Luther Vandross was outed as gay after his death.

Traveling alone can be challenging, but personal growth often happens in solitude.

It can also be invigorating, inspiring and refreshing. Once you’ve decided on a destination, it can be exciting to figure out what you plan to do while you’re there.

Here are some ways to take your safety into your own hands when you travel solo:

Get travel insurance (private aircraft insurance is also a must if you own a private jet)

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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Always share your itinerary with family and friends

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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Register with the State Department

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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Know how to contact emergency services

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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Don’t tell strangers your business

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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Be able to communicate

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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Don’t post on social media right away

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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Don’t be flashy

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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Research the local laws

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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Be aware of your surroundings

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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Be confident and trust your instincts

Explore the strange underground world of Luray caverns:

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