Maxine Waters drops Twitter poem about Trump going to prison, has already won 2018
Aunty Maxine 'bout to drop a mixtape.

Maxine Waters had time today.
The longtime California congresswoman turned Queen Aunty shero of the 21st century tweeted out a special message of support for Robert Mueller.
Mueller was appointed by the Justice Department back in May to lead a special counsel investigating whether there was collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian operatives leading up to the 2016 election.
Auntie Maxine wanted Mueller to know she has his back:
A message to Mueller: Stay strong and stand tall. Continue to investigate them all. You are indeed answering the people’s call. The Kremlin Klan is going to fall. Around you the Democrats are building a wall. We look forward to the day, to prison they will all be hauled.
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) January 3, 2018