Van Jones sticks it to Sean Spicer over his lies while in White House

Jones on childrens comments about Spicer as press secretary: "Daddy thats not true"

(Photo: Brad Barket/Getty Images and Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

On Thursday, HLN’s S.E. Cupp sat down for an hour-long interview with former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. And during that interview, she also pulled in Van Jones to grill Spicer.

And that he most certainly did.

Things seemed to start out okay between the two of them. Spicer and Jones could both agree on the fact that Donald Trump should stop tweeting about everything and should stop picking so many fights.

But then, Spicer brought up Barack Obama.

Spicer took aim at the Obama administration for treating the press poorly, claiming that they tried to kick Fox News out of the press pool.

“First of all, you literally just sat mere moments ago and said you wish you would be in a world where people disagreed but then they support the president,” Jones shot back. “You guys spent eight years, and Donald Trump the worst offender, trashing President Obama every second of every day. That’s what we are talking about.”

‘Daddy, that’s not true’

Then, Jones turned the heat up on Spicer’s own time as press secretary.

“I want to tell you something personally — you were somebody who as part of the Republican establishment came into your job with an incredible amount of esteem and respect,” Jones “As a parent, one of the scariest things during the early part of the Trump year was to see somebody come out and say something you knew wasn’t true. My children watching, saying ‘Daddy. that’s not true.’”

He later asked, “Do you understand from a natural person’s point of view, not a Democrat or a Republican, how tough it was for us to watch you talk about some things you can’t defend right now?”

In that same interview, Spicer admitted that he had “screwed up” during his time as press secretary. He also said that, often, his job was to “go out and communicate the voice the president wanted on a particular issue or event.”

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