‘I’m an idiot’ says expelled Alabama sorority girl who proclaimed ‘I don’t care if it’s MLK Day n****r!’

Life comes at you fast

Expelled University of Alabama student in recorded racist rant now feels sorry.

Harley Barber thegrio.com
Haley Barber (Instagram)

Harley Barber, the now infamous University of Alabama student who posted two videos of herself repeatedly spewing the n-word, is expressing remorse about the ordeal.
Although she was captured laughing and smiling in the two videos, even brazenly noting that she didn’t care that it was MLK Day, Barber has since learned that using the n-word on social media is no laughing matter. Her new humble pie attitude comes after Barber was kicked out of her sorority, Alpha Phi.

She was also banned for life from the popular bar near campus where one of the videos was filmed, and expelled from school.

Apparently the reaction to the racist Alabama video and resulting backlash has given much for the New Jersey resident to reflect upon.

“I feel horrible. “I feel so, so bad and I am so sorry,” said Barber in an interview with the New York Post. “I did something really, really bad. I don’t know what to do and I feel horrible. I’m wrong and there’s just no excuse for what I did.”

Barber says she has received threatening phone calls since her vulgar rant went viral. She is now reportedly on her way back home to New Jersey.

Students and Alum Take to Social Media about the Videos

New York Giants safety Landon Collins, a University of Alabama alum, took to Twitter to condemn Barber’s hateful message and proffer a warning to her former Alpha Phi sorority sisters.

Current University of Alabama football players like Damien Harris helped make Barber’s videos go viral by posting them to Twitter.

Other students and alum took to social media to express their outrage about the issue as well.

The initial statement from the University of Alabama called Barber’s behavior “ignorant and disturbing.” The school has since released following statement from its president Stuart Bell: a new statement, noting that Barber is no longer a University of Alabama student.

“In light of the racist and disturbing videos posted by one of our students on social media, I want to express my personal disgust and disappointment.

“Like many of you, I find the videos highly offensive and deeply hurtful, not only to our students and our entire University community, but to everyone who viewed them. The actions of this student do not represent the larger student body or the values of our University, and she is no longer enrolled here.

“We hold our students to much higher standards, and we apologize to everyone who has seen the videos and been hurt by this hateful, ignorant and offensive behavior. This is not who we are; it is unacceptable and unwelcome here at UA. These types of incidents affect community members differently. If you have been impacted and would like additional support, please access resources here that are available to you on our campus.

“Over the last year, I have had conversations with many of you who shared your UA experiences with me. You have voiced your pride in the progress we have made, but we still have much work to do. I want to thank all of the students, faculty and staff who met today to have conversations about this event and the steps we can take, individually and collectively, to create a more welcoming and inclusive campus. You have my commitment and the commitment of our leadership team to sustain progress and address directly any issues that arise.

“I know you join me in taking a stand against this and all reprehensible behavior. As members of this community, we are a family and this is our home. Everyone has a right to feel safe and welcome here.”

When asked if she considered heeding the advice of a girlfriend in one of the videos who cautioned Barber not to post the rant online:

“No, I’m an idiot. There’s no excuse. I did something really bad.”

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