‘Police did this to Mommy’: Cops slam woman to the ground for not paying bus fare

The 20-year old mom of two is planning to file a complaint.

On Tuesday, DC Metro transit police arrested a woman for not paying her bus fare, slamming her to the ground during the arrest.

Washington Metro Bus thegrio.com
The US Capitol can be seen as people sleep inside a Metro Bus parked. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

In an era where some prosecutors have chosen to stop arresting those caught trying to get a free ride on city buses and trains, here comes an example of the extreme.

On Tuesday, DC Metro transit police arrested a woman for not paying her bus fare, slamming her to the ground during the arrest.

Diamond Rust says she boarded a bus at Alabama Avenue in Southeast, D.C. with her one-year-old son and two-year-old daughter. She reportedly walked right past the fare box. As a student at Ballou STAY High School, she has a DC One fare card, which allows her to ride for free. Unfortunately, Rust says she left the card behind that day, according to WUSA9

“Police did this to Mommy”

Rust, 20, recalled how, just after she walked past the fare box, an undercover officer approached her and told her to get off the bus.

“I’m pacing back and forth like ‘can you hurry up?’ He said he felt threatened with me pacing back and forth,” Rust said. By her own admission, she didn’t stop pacing. Police also claimed that Rust kept putting her hands in her pockets and ignoring police commands.

“He said I was resisting. He pushed me to the fence,” Rust said.

According to a police report, the officer slammed Rust to the ground to complete the arrest.

Rust said she became emotional once she saw her daughter’s reaction. “The girl lifted my face up and I seen her — my daughter like right there crying. That’s when I started crying,” she said.

What happen to Diamond Rust?

Rust now suffers from a fractured knee and four broken teeth in addition to wounds to her face, which was split open from the impact. She was taken to the hospital shortly after her arrest and worries not just about herself but about the effect this will have on her children.

“My son he don’t even like looking at me now. My daughter keeps saying police did this to mommy,” she said.

Rust plans to file a complaint with Metro over the incident. Metro Transit Police have yet to comment on the incident.

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