Please use the white tears Kim Zolciak shed over being called racist in your morning coffee

Kim Zolziak and Nene Leakes

Kim Zolciak finally had that long overdue appointment with karma during the last installment of the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion.

When Zolciak-Biermann returned to the Bravo franchise for season 10, fans quickly noticed that every conversation she had felt like a heavy-handed attack against her cast mates even when there was no real drama going on.

It soon became clear that she was going after the more popular women to get airtime, and fans of the show began to voice their displeasure on Twitter every week as the season unfolded.

When the mother of six sat on the couch for the taping of Sunday’s episode, her cast-mates, particularly longtime friend turned nemesis Nene Leakes finally called her out for her baiting tactics and unchecked racist leanings.

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According to PEOPLE, “The biggest hot-button issue of the season, of course, had to do with Zolciak-Biermann saying Leakes was ‘sick and disgusting’ for living in a ‘roach nest’ — a term many of the women told Zolciak-Biermann on Sunday they felt was racist for its cultural implications of impoverished black women living in the projects.

‘You’re reaching. Reaching,’ Zolciak-Biermann said in her defense. ‘Don’t try it. It has nothing to do with the projects or none of that s—. A roach is a roach.'”

Let’s be clear, taking a picture of a water bug (not a roach, a water bug) in the two million dollar home of a successful Black woman and trying to spin it as if she’s a a hoodrat living in a “roach nest” most definitely is relying on negative racial stereotypes to take a dig at someone.

Leakes said as much on a previous RHOA episode pointing out, “That word ‘roach’ just ain’t the word I needed to hear her saying. It sounds very racial when you are speaking to an African-American person and talk about roaches. Because people feel like you associated that with the ghetto or trash. Black people do not receive that very well.”

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Aware of how detrimental being called out for racism could be to anyone’s brand, Zolciak-Biermann eventually stormed off the stage and had a semi-private meltdown with host Andy Cohen, that actually ended up proving the point that Nene and the audience had been trying to make all along.

“That bitch knows I’m not racist. NeNe knows I’m not racist,” Zolciak-Biermann told Cohen. “You know why you have not found another white woman to [join the cast]? Because nobody is dumb enough to do that! Put yourself in my shoes — five African-American women — just hammered! I couldn’t even speak, my mind’s a f—— whirlwind!”


She then went on to explain that racism, (as a whole), wasn’t real and was only being magnified by haters on social media.

“This whole racism thing in this day in age is b——. Everyone of those m———— on that couch owe this world a f—— apology for this racism s—,” Zolciak-Biermann said. “They already tried to claim that s— long ago. Nobody bought into it then because the social media wasn’t there and racism wasn’t f—— all that real. You know it.”

Oh Kim, how nice must it have been to avoid racism up until you got a social media account. However, like most trendy things that are suddenly popular now Black folks were painfully aware of it well before that I assure you.

“How much can a person take?” she asked turning her wrath to Cohen who she obviously felt should have protected her. “There wasn’t even one positive question for me. I was hammered! There wasn’t a positive question. I have a very successful marriage, I have beautiful children, there was nothing positive.”

“There was nothing positive, unfortunately, in your story from the season,” Cohen pointed out. “It was all combative, it was. Because your whole time on the show was combative, it was.”

“Oh my God,” Zolciak-Biermann responded, exasperated that her white tears hadn’t convinced him to ignore the fact that she instigated every attack she was a part of.

Cohen has now confirmed that Kim Zolciak won’t be returning to the show.

I do agree with the part where she said they’d be hard pressed to find someone to fill her shoes though.

Because if you’re a racist white woman whose whole empire was built on the viewership of a predominantly Black audience, yet (still!) bold enough to make your overfamiliar disdain for black women so obvious it probably would be “dumb” for you to appear on camera expecting people not to drag you.

And yet, here you are Kim Zolciak. Here you are.



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