Filed Under ‘Mind Your Business’: Trump wants to ‘closely study’ South Africa’s practice of taking white farmers’ land and giving it to Black people

President Donald Trump is poking his nose in South Africa’s business by asking Secretary  State Mike Pompeo to “closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures.”

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President Donald Trump is poking his nose in South Africa’s business by asking Secretary  State Mike Pompeo to “closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures.”

“I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and large scale killing of farmers,” Trump said in a post on Twitter.

It’s interesting that after South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa said farm lands need to be returned to Black people from white farmers, that Trump has made it his business to save white tears.

Ramaphosa is addressing the legacy of colonization and apartheid in his country by taking land from white farmers and giving it to the Black citizens.

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Earlier this year, Ramaphosa said that he wanted to see “the return of the land to the people from whom it was taken… to heal the divisions of the past.”

Ramaphosa said in February in an address to South Africa’s parliament in Cape Town that the “original sin” of the country was the European colonizers taking land from the tribal people in the 1600s. The South African parliament passed a motion to take back the land.

“The expropriation of land without compensation is envisaged as one of the measures that we will use to accelerate redistribution of land to Black South Africans,” Ramaphosa said.

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On August 1, Ramaphosa announced that the African National Congress (ANC) will move forward with plans to change the constitution to allow the expropriation of land without compensation. Most land is predominately owned by white farmers, more than two decades after the end of apartheid.

While Trump deflects and sets his sights on Africa, amid a hush money scandal involving his ex- lawyer Michael Cohen, a South African cabinet minister said on Thursday that his tweet won’t affect the US relationship with the country.

“The tweet has not determined our approach to the United States on our current relationship and future relationship,” communications minister Nomvula Mokonyane told reporters after a cabinet meeting.

In other words: have a seat sir and worry about yourself.

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