Nick Cannon responds to Kanye’s rant about wife Kim Kardashian

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Wild ‘N Out host Nick Cannon is telling fellow rapper Kanye West not to tell him what to say, according to multiple reports.

Cannon’s comments made via Instagram came after West’s latest rant – one in which he takes issue with comments that Cannon, Drake and Tyson Beckford made about West’s wife, Kim Kardashian West. Cannon dated Kardashian briefly from September 2006 to January 2007.

“First off let me say, ‘Welcome back, Ye, from the sunken place,” Cannon said in a video posted to Instagram. “It’s a beautiful thing.”

Cannon added, “Honestly, I got to say this my dude … I have never said anything disrespectful or harmful in my opinion to your marriage or your union. I salute it … keep it going. But you’re not going to tell me what I can and what I can’t say.”

Cannon continued, “I am a solid individual. Somebody asks me a question, I am going to answer it to the best of my ability. I am going to give my opinion … no harm, no foul.”

Cannon added, “I know it got your spirit feeling weird. Holla at me, you know where I am.”

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Cannon’s speech was in response to four clips that West posted to social media in which he addresses some things “that were not sitting right with my spirit.”

West said specifically to Cannon, “I understand you used to date my wife, but you get in an interview – don’t mention my wife. If someone brings my wife up, say, ‘Hey, I respect that man, I’m not speaking on that.’ Don’t be making no suggestions like nobody f—ed my wife.”

West’s social media rants about the world as well as posts in vehement support of President Donald Trump have drawn global attention. Members of the public took the rapper to task when he suggested that slavery was a choice as opposed to something that was forced upon people.


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@Kanyewest holla at me!! Let’s get your Spirit right! ✊?

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