Georgia Democrat proposes bill preventing government from purging voters from rolls after tainted governor’s race

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A Georgia Democrat is already laying the groundwork to ensure that elections can’t be stolen by way of voter suppression through purging the voter rolls.

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Democratic House Minority Leader Bob Trammell proposed legislation Friday introducing a bill that would prevent the government from removing voters from the rolls because they missed voting in an election or two, the AJC reports.

After it was revealed that then Secretary of State and now Governor-elect Brian Kemp was accused of suppressing minority voters, including roughly 53,000 voter registration applications which were on hold with just weeks to go before the election, this is a timely move. According to reports, the majority of those applications were for African-American and female voters under the state’s exact match law, which requires information on voter applications to exactly match that held by the government.

“With today’s technology, there’s no excuse that justifies making voting harder rather than simpler,” said Trammell. “The process of purging people from the voter registration rolls solely because they haven’t voted in recent elections is undemocratic and corrosive to the integrity of our elections process.”

House Bill 6, seeks to eliminate a state law passed in 1997 that gives Georgia’s secretary of state the power to target and cancel the registration of inactive voters.

In June, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the decision to eliminate inactive voters and remove them from voter lists.

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Abrams Will Run Again

On Sunday, just two days after Georgia certified Kemp as the states new governor, Stacey Abrams vowed to run for office again. The Democrat and former minority leader of Georgia’s House of Representatives, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on State of the Union that she intends to take a long break to regroup but will most certainly come back fighting.

“I’m going to spend the next year as a private citizen, but I do indeed intend to run for office again,” Abrams told CNN. “I’m not sure for what and I am not exactly certain when. I need to take a nap, but once I do, I’m planning to get back into the ring.”

Abrams was up at Kemp who’s position she said was a conflict of interest as Secretary of State. Before resigning his post on Nov. 8th, when he declared himself the winner, Kemp oversaw the election process as Georgia’s secretary of state.