Eric Trump warns Republicans of primary: ‘They will lose’

The president's son wants Republicans to challenge the election results

Eric Trump has threatened primary Republicans who do not support his father’s efforts to overturn the election in the president’s favor.

President Donald Trump has not conceded his election loss to President-elect Joe Biden and has falsely claimed that it was rigged. He filed lawsuits, applied pressure to officials to “find votes,” and encouraged VP Mike Pence to thwart the largely ceremonial certification of Biden’s electoral college win.

Read More: Newly-elected Black Republicans among GOP opposition to Biden’s electoral win

Eric appeared on Fox News Tuesday and warned that other Republicans needed to show an equal desire to challenge Biden’s win.

“Tomorrow’s gonna tell you a lot about the country,” Eric Trump told host Sean Hannity. “Because I can tell you, Sean, any senator or any congressman that does not—meaning on this side—that does not fight tomorrow, their political career is over. Because the MAGA movement is going nowhere!”

Eric maintained that his father created “the greatest movement in American history.”

Eric insisted there would be political consequences for those who did not align themselves with the 45th president of the United States.

Read More: Congress set to confirm Biden’s electoral win over Trump

“They will get primaried next time around. And they will lose if they don’t stand up and show some backbone, and show some conviction,” he said.

Eric also took to Twitter to amplify his warning and vowed to make it a personal mission.

“I will personally work to defeat every single Republican Senator / Congressman who doesn’t stand up against this fraud – they will be primaried in their next election and they will lose,” he tweeted.

Twitter uses took to mocking the president’s son who turns 37 today.

As theGrio reported, Congress is set to certify Biden’s 306-232 Electoral College win despite attempts to challenge the outcome.

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