Twitter users speculate if Trump wore pants backward in Saturday speech

Donald Trump made an appearance at his party's state convention in North Carolina, rehashing complaints about his election loss and critical race teachings

Donald Trump returned to the public forum Saturday, delivering a message at the North Carolina Republican Convention in Greenville, North Carolina.

The former president picked up right from where he left off, insulting Democrats and calling the 2020 election rigged in his first public speaking appearance in almost four months, according to the New York Post.

What’s more impressive is that Trump may have delivered this speech apparently with his pants reversed, a sight that made a big splash on the Internet.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump listens to Laura Trump tell the crowd she has decided not to run for the N.C. Senate at the NCGOP state convention on June 5, 2021 in Greenville, North Carolina. (Photo by Melissa Sue Gerrits/Getty Images)

New York Daily News columnist Brandon Friedman tweeted a clip of Trump stepping away from the podium with his pants seemingly put on incorrectly.

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“Donald Trump gave his big speech today with his pants on backwards,” Friedman posted. “Look close and tell me I’m wrong.”

Others took a closer look, also speculating the matter on social media. Although it can’t be confirmed, many people took the opportunity to poke fun at the apparent wardrobe malfunction. The appearance even drew comparisons to Kris Kross, the 90s hip-hop duo known for wearing their clothes backward.

One Twitter user posted a photo mockingly explaining the fashion choice.

Another user likened the scene to the 1987 comedy film Spaceballs, writing “The Trump pants thing reminds me of Spaceballs where President Skroob went through the transporter and came out with his head backwards.”

As for the contents of his speech, Trump opened with his notorious rhetoric of fear. It was his first speech since his February appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC.

“As we gather tonight, our country is being destroyed before our very own eyes. Crime is exploding, police departments are being ripped apart and defunded,” Trump said.

The ex-commander-in-chief also spoke on a topic that’s near and dear to him, his 2020 election loss. Still believing the election was rigged, he called President Joe Biden‘s victory “the crime of the century.”

“We’re not going to have a country. If you don’t have election integrity and if you don’t have strong borders, our country can be run like a dictatorship and that’s what they’d like to do,” Trump said. “They want to silence you. They want to silence your voice. Remember, I’m not the one trying to undermine American democracy. I’m the one that’s trying to save it.”

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During his nearly 90 minute speech, Trump also accused Biden of having a racially divisive administration. He said Biden was using critical race theory to endorse anti-American rhetoric in schools.

“The Biden administration has also issued regulations to indoctrinate America’s schoolchildren with poisonous and divisive left-wing doctrine,” Trump said, “such as critical race theory, which is the exact opposite of the American belief that we all are created equal in the holy image of God.”

Critical race theory, a concept established in 1970s by activists and civil rights scholars, examines how systemic racism and law intersect and affect Black Americans. The Washington Post reported that Republican legislators in Texas passed a bill last week to try and keep it from being taught in classrooms.

Last year, Trump made similar criticism over the 1619 Project, the Pulitzer Prize-winning examination of American slavery led by New York Times Magazine journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones, possibly being taught in schools, according to CBS News.

“This project rewrites American history to teach our children that we were founded on the principle of oppression, not freedom,” Trump said.

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