Chris Tucker, known for his high-energy comedic style and his role as Detective James Carter in the “Rush Hour” film series, is one of the most famed comedians of all time. Tucker shares his thoughts on where comedy is and how up-and-coming comedians can get ahead.
The following transcript has been slightly edited for clarity:
Chris Tucker: Just keep living because I think comedy comes from living, from life experiences, characters in life. Just keep having fun with it, that’s what it’s all about. You want to make other people feel good, have fun, and that’s comedy — bringing people spirits up. A lot of power in comedy. Comedy can get you through a lot of stuff.
I think comedy when I was grew up was never really too offensive. Even if somebody said something a little offensive, they knew that it was coming from a good place, and if you’re coming from a bad place in comedy or a careless place, then it can be a problem.
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