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theGRIO Q&A - Would African-American history -- and indeed American history -- have been different if Abraham Lincoln had lived?...

OPINION - To be fair, Andrew Sullivan has the best intentions. But it seems curious that he thinks he can…

OPINION - The crucial issue for Romney is gaining acceptability among social conservatives, as he needs them to rally behind…

OPINION - Seeking to subvert President Obama's foreign policy success record is both incredibly irresponsible and unpatriotic...

OPINION - Perhaps the Trayvon Martin tragedy, and the president's acknowledgement that the slain teen could well have been his…

OPINION - Not every case of white-on-black violence involving young black males is equivalent to the Trayvon Martin incident...

OPINION - Zimmerman's father has chosen to spin a tale he knows will garner dog whistle support from far-right conservatives,…

OPINION - Though measured, the subtext of Obama's statement was easily understood, especially for an African-American community eager to hear…

OPINION - Derrick Bell and fellow law professors in the 70s and 80s understood that though blacks had technically gained…

OPINION - President Obama's campaign had raised roughly $105 million, 80 percent of which was made up of small donations…

OPINION - There is one subject Romney has consistently avoided -- for good reason -- and that is the sordid…

OPINION - By saying that his position on same-sex marriage is 'evolving,' Obama expects to please both sides...

OPINION - Mitt Romney, who has built his entire campaign on the premise that he's a businessman who knows how…

OPINION - The 2012 swing constituency of the moment are white working-class voters and Mitt Romney knows it...

OPINION - President Barack Obama's newfound defiance may be in part a response to Democratic supporters calling for him to…

OPINION - Now that 2011 has faded to black, let's explore some of the major issues President Barack Obama will…

OPINION - Paul has pocketed at least a million dollars from newsletters that promoted racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic propaganda throughout…