About Goldie Taylor

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theGrio featured stories
August 16, 2014
Last week, I wrote about what I call the “color of life.” Specifically, I explored how we as a society…
theGrio featured stories
February 26, 2014
OPINION - Bill Clinton’s two-term presidency, as well as his now infamous behavior on the 2008 campaign trail, may be…
theGrio featured stories
February 16, 2014
OPINION - In far too many communities, we have given tacit approval to the murder of black boys..
theGrio featured stories
February 12, 2014
OPINION - The notion that Dunn acted out of fear is far-fetched. What is apparent, however, is that Dunn felt…
theGrio featured stories
February 10, 2014
OPINION - In the interest of discussion, and in the context of the social media debate, let’s say the n-word…
theGrio featured stories
February 10, 2014
OPINION - Not only do we enjoy watching people do and say things that, we ourselves, would like to believe…
theGrio featured stories
February 2, 2014
OPINION - I hate Black History Month because, despite what the pseudo colorblind merchants of Americanism will tell you, it…
theGrio featured stories
January 13, 2014
OPINION - If you are black and a woman in this country, you know well the misplaced importance on the…
theGrio featured stories
January 6, 2014
OPINION - Despite what my learned colleagues might tell you, there is nothing progressive about laws that will effectively deepen…
theGrio featured stories
December 30, 2013
OPINION - We are demonstrably unable to come to terms with the societal pathologies that fuel violence in our culture...
theGrio featured stories
December 16, 2013
OPINION - Last week, convicted on multiple counts of manslaughter and assault, 16-year-old Ethan Couch walked out of a Texas…
theGrio featured stories
December 9, 2013
OPINION - In the coming days, as we begin to chronicle his life in various news stories and opinion columns,…
theGrio featured stories
December 3, 2013
OPINION - Fass is nothing more than a synonym for whore. Nothing more than a polite calling card, a proverbial…
theGrio featured stories
November 25, 2013
OPINION - For too many feminists, past and present alike, the fight isn’t about access and choices. It’s about eating…
theGrio featured stories
November 18, 2013
OPINION - When the Atlanta Braves announced they were taking the team to the suburbs last week, I was not…
theGrio featured stories
November 11, 2013
OPINION - I doubt Incognito has ever been subjected to stop-and-frisk, had his debit card questioned by department store security…
theGrio featured stories
November 6, 2013
COLUMN - An unapologetic, open and honest conversation by, for and about Black America...
theGrio featured stories
November 6, 2013
OPINION - Don, given what happened to you over a decade ago, you could not possibly believe that black men…
theGrio featured stories
November 4, 2013
OPINION - There is no safe harbor in a finely tailored suit. I don’t want to see your drawers either,…
theGrio featured stories
October 31, 2013
theGRIO REPORT - According to the Lowndes County sheriff’s department, 17-year-old stand out athlete Kendrick Johnson died in a tragic…