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theGrio featured stories
December 11, 2012
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) - Democratic Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, N.J., a prominent figure in his party, said Sunday that…
theGrio featured stories
December 7, 2012
Debate over the looming "fiscal cliff" of automatic tax increases and spending cuts is consuming most of the political oxygen…
theGrio featured stories
December 6, 2012
theGRIO REPORT - The surprising resignation of Sen. Jim Demint of South Carolina, one of President Obama's sharpest critics even…
theGrio featured stories
December 6, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) — Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio, two potential 2016 presidential candidates, laid out policy prescriptions for their Republican…
theGrio featured stories
December 4, 2012
BOSTON (AP) — Mitt Romney's shadow looms over a Republican Party in disarray...
theGrio featured stories
December 4, 2012
ANALYSIS - Republicans are now actively discussing how to win over minority voters. The proof will be in how they…
theGrio featured stories
December 3, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House has laid out its vision for pulling back from the looming 'fiscal cliff' and…
theGrio featured stories
December 3, 2012
OPINION - I’m still waiting to hear a Republican leader say something about the most obvious lesson of the just-completed…
theGrio featured stories
November 30, 2012
ANALYSIS - President Obama is no longer looking to be the great compromiser in Washington...
theGrio featured stories
November 30, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) - Washington politicians have one month to step back from the so-called 'fiscal cliff,' across-the-board tax hikes and…
theGrio featured stories
November 29, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) - A moderate Republican senator, vital to any White House hopes of getting U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice confirmed…
theGrio featured stories
November 29, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) - Amid increasing anxiety that the White House and top Republicans are wasting time as the government slides…
theGrio featured stories
November 27, 2012
ANALYSIS - Why are Republicans so focused on preventing Susan Rice from becoming the next Secretary of State?...
theGrio featured stories
November 27, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) - Three Republican senators who have just met with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice say they are more troubled…
theGrio featured stories
November 26, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House could finally have its chance to close the books on its Libya public relations…
theGrio featured stories
November 26, 2012
theGRIO REPORT - Now that the Democrats have fielded a successful ticket led by an African American candidate – twice…
theGrio featured stories
November 21, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) — For all the attention wrenched elsewhere in recent days — on new violence in the Middle East,…
theGrio featured stories
November 20, 2012
ANALYSIS - The rise of the Tea Party in 2009 and 2010 brought not only a more conservative brand of…
theGrio featured stories
November 16, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) - A dozen female members of the House staunchly defended U.N. ambassador Susan Rice against Republican criticism over…
theGrio featured stories
November 15, 2012
theGRIO REPORT - In his first term, President Obama picked big names such as Robert Gates, Hillary Clinton and James…