New Series


‘Influence’ is a series that looks to detail the lives and careers of young influencers who are making big strides within their fields.

Justin Ellen Aspires to Expand His Brand of Sweetness | Influence

Sep. 19, 2023 – 06:20 – ‘Influence’ is a series that looks to detail the lives and careers of young influencers who are making big strides within their fields and we start off with young baking prodigy Justin Ellen (@everythingjustbaked) who is becoming something of baking legend, gaining a following from his local fans in New Jersey and from viewers of “Is It Cake?” on Netflix.


Justin Ellen Aspires to Expand His Brand of Sweetness | Influence

Justin Ellen Aspires to Expand His Brand of Sweetness | Influence

Model Taylor Hawkins Paves Her Own Entrepreneurial Path | Influence

Model Taylor Hawkins Paves Her Own Entrepreneurial Path | Influence

Fitness Coach Kupah James Looks to Incite Balance & Focus | Influence

Fitness Coach Kupah James Looks to Incite Balance & Focus | Influence

Justin Ellen Aspires to Expand His Brand of Sweetness | Influence

Justin Ellen Aspires to Expand His Brand of Sweetness | Influence