Obama on Nicki Minaj’s Romney ‘endorsement’: ‘She likes to play different characters’
theGRIO REPORT - In an interview with Orlando pop station Power 953, President Barack Obama was asked about the recent controversy surrounding rapper Nicki Minaj, with regards to whether or not she had endorsed his Republican opponent Mitt Romney...

In an interview with Orlando pop station Power 953, President Barack Obama was asked about the recent controversy surrounding rapper Nicki Minaj, with regards to whether or not she had endorsed his Republican opponent Mitt Romney.
“I’m not sure that is actually what happened. I think she had a song on there, a little rap that said that. But, she likes to play different characters. So I don’t know what’s going on there.”
On the latest edition from Lil’ Wayne’s Dedication mixtape series, Dedication 4, Nicki Minaj rapped on the fourth track “Mercy”: “I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney, you lazy b*tches are f**king up the economy.”
Rap audiences were shocked, and mostly appalled. Minaj received death threats via Twitter. Minaj received death threats via Twitter. They may not have been legitimate but some people went as far as to request that “someone kill Nicki.” Another tweet read, “If Romney wins, I hope you die @NICKIMINAJ”
On the other hand, rapper Talib Kweli defended Minaj, suggesting that the lyric was not meant to be interpreted literally.
“I doubt Nicki seriously supports Romney. Her lyrics ain’t political. She just wants y’all to talk about her & she winning cuz it’s working!” Kweli tweeted.
Obama also said in the interview that while he and the first lady had a “nice” hip-hop collection, said his daughters Sasha and Malia “don’t really listen to Nicki Minaj that much, but let’s face it they are not hipper than me.”
This past June, Minaj surprised many of her fans by directly tweeting at President Barack Obama about health care reform.
“That should be a God given right! Even with Obama Care, too much involved. Just give FREE health care to all. @barackobama What can we do?” Minaj tweeted.
“@BarackObama I wouldn’t mind the millions they took if it was going to healthcare. Why should a poor person struggle to pay for MEDS sir?” she added.
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