Obama’s half-brother says he’s voting for Donald Trump

President Obama’s Kenyan Democrat half-brother is not voting Democrat; he is voting for Donald Trump.
“I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik stated from his home in the Kenyan village of Kogelo. “Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him.”
While it is true that he has always been a long-time Democrat, he cites “deep disappointment” in his brother’s administration for his switch to “the party of Lincoln.”
What really helped him make his decision to cross the isle was the FBI’s recent decision to not prosecute Hilary Clinton over the email scandal.
“She should have known better as the custodian of classified information,” Obama stated.
The fact that he considered Moamar Khadafy one of his best friends and Clinton and Barack Obama killed him doesn’t seem to have helped matters.
Malik Obama wrote a biography of his father in 2012 and in it he added a dedication to Khadafy and others who he thinks were “making this world a better place.”
“I still feel that getting rid of Khadafy didn’t make things any better in Libya,” he stated. “My brother and the secretary of state disappointed me in that regard.”
What seems to bother him the most, however, is the Democrats’ support of same-sex marriage.
“I feel like a Republican now because they don’t stand for same-sex marriage, and that appeals to me,” he said.
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Malik Obama is a big supporter of marriage in general however; he has at least three current wives, with some saying he has as many as 12. When asked just how many he had, he answered “that’s personal.”
In 2011, he made headlines when he married his third wife, who was just a teen at the time.
Come November, Obama plans to travel to the US in order to vote for Trump. He is registered to vote in Maryland where he lived and worked for many years as an accountant.
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It was in 1959 that Obama’s father left Kenya for Hawaii with his son Malik and his mother. It was in Hawaii that his father met Barack’s mother and married her. It wasn’t until 1985 that the Obama brothers met in person.
Malik Obama is the oldest of his siblings and is the one who set up the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a charity he named after his father. He said he set up the foundation because he wanted to make a difference in his family’s village back in Kenya.
In 2011 however, it was revealed that this was an off the books operation that was not registered with the state of Virginia. It also did not have the tax-exempt status from the IRS that it claimed to have.
Just after that reveal the IRS did give the foundation its tax-exempt status, some thought the President has intervened on his brother’s behalf. This is something that upsets Malik.
Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just announced that he is voting for me. Was probably treated badly by president-like everybody else!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2016
“My brother didn’t help me at all,” said Obama. “He wanted me to shut it down when I set it up. He hasn’t supported me at all.”
While Malik was the best man at President Obama’s wedding, their family ties seem to be in disrepair. Obama says he last spoke to the President a year ago and is upset with him that he didn’t do anything to help him when he ran for governor in the southwestern Kenyan county of Siaya in 2013.
He didn’t win and found himself out $20,000 of his own money that he spent on his campaign.
“I don’t think politics is my thing,” he stated. “Honestly, I’ll be happy when my brother is out of office, and I will finally be out of the limelight and be able to live like a human being.”
In the meantime, Obama will spend time supporting his new political party, he even has a “Make America Great Again” hat.
“Mr. Trump is providing something new and something fresh.”
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