Sapphire to publish 'Push' sequel: 'The Kid'
CLUTCH - 'The Kid' follows the son of Claireece "Precious" Jones, the sexually abused, illiterate heroine of 'Push'...

By Britni Danielle
Clutch Magazine
Hollywood loves a good story, and even better, a good sequel. Fresh off of last year’s Oscar wins, Sapphire, author of the novel Push which inspired the award-winning film Precious, is reportedly working on a sequel, tentatively entitled, The Kid.
The Kid follows the son of Claireece “Precious” Jones, the sexually abused, illiterate heroine of Push. This coming-of-age story focuses on Claireece’s son as he navigates the mean streets of New York City that threatened to swallow his mother whole. While Push ended with Claireece finding out she was HIV-positive, her son doesn’t have the disease. What he does have, however, is the soul of an artist, which he hopes will keep him alive.
Although Push enjoyed a substantial sales boost due to the film adaptation, many are still debating the novel’s content. Some felt it offered a stereotypical view of urban life, while others hailed it as a true-to-life snapshot of New York City in the 80s. Whatever side of the debate you fall on, one thing cannot be denied: Sapphire weaves one hell of a story.
Sapphire, born Ramona Lofton, is a Brooklyn-based poet and professor. She is the author of three works of poetry, and she sold her debut novel, Push, to Vintage at auction for $500,000 in 1995. The novel, The Kid, was purchased by Penguin Press and is scheduled to be published in the Summer of 2011.
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