Obama hits airwaves to discuss jobs, health care and ACORN

Blanketing the airwaves President Obama appeared on five Sunday news shows.

On health care, he said requiring uninsured Americans to buy coverage, as the leading Senate measure does, is a needed fix.

“You and I and every American out there who has health insurance, and are paying their premiums responsibly every month, they’ve gotta pick up the cost for emergency room care when one of those people gets sick,” Obama said.

Republicans conceded some criticism is untrue. They insist how the president pays for health care reform is easier to say than do.

“When he talks about how you pay for it, that we’re going to get $300 billion savings from Medicare and Medicaid, we’ve never done that before,” said South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.

President Obama said signs point to a growing economy, but he said jobs won’t likely improve until next year.

“It could even get a little bit worse over the next couple of months,” said Obama.

The president also responded to this recent video sting…workers with the activist group ACORN advising how to evade taxes, even hide underage prostitution.

The president agreed ACORN should be investigated.

“What I saw on that video was certainly inappropriate,” said Obama.

The Obama Campaign last year paid a group tied to acorn to help get out the vote.

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