A Colorado elementary school employee has been placed on leave after allegedly taping a child’s wrists and mouth.
Joshua Fredericks is a tough kid to calm down according to his mother.
“He’s rowdy, he gets a little rambunctious, he’s a 6-year-old boy that’s what 6-year-old boys do,” said the boy’s mother Ashlye Tenner.
But Joshua’s mother, Ashlye Tenner, says no one should ever do what she claims the school’s secretary did.
“I was furious. I was very, very angry. I don’t care how rowdy he is if he was bouncing from one end of the school to the next, you don’t tape up another person’s child ever,” said Tenner.
Tenner took her concerns to the Palmer Elementary School principal, who sent a letter home with parents telling them about allegations of misconduct.
But the letter and the principal’s other responses don’t satisfy Tenner.
She says the principal wasn’t eager to look into the matter.
“The police weren’t called until I came back this morning. When I came this morning, the secretary was still at her desk,” said Ashlye Tenner.
Robert Batura, the father of two Palmer students, agrees with Tenner. He says fast action wasn’t taken to address what he considers child abuse.
“As a father, if I taped up my kids, I’d be arrested,” said Batura.
As for Joshua, his mother says he’s fine, if a little confused.
“He doesn’t understand why he was taped up to begin with,” said Ashlye Tenner.