Rogers and Woods comparison is unfair

By Dr. Janet Taylor

Linking White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers and ‘cheetah’ Tiger Woods in a recent New York Times op-ed is ridiculous. Columnist Maureen Dowd launched a scathing, condescending verbal battle that accused Desiree of “being goofy” and “looking weaker” because she couldn’t accept blame for her brand.

Tiger deserves scrutiny and criticism as he attempts to sort out his personal life. Enough has been said, implied and parodied

Desiree Rogers does not warrant the castigation of her character that is currently happening. To tie her responsibility for the embarrassing episode at the White House State dinner to Tiger Woods immoral behavior is unfair and unwarranted.

One was a crisis of commonsense. There should have been social secretary staff at the checkpoints. The other was a crisis of conscience.