Rep. Steve King proposes deporting Haitians to be relief workers

Is Iowa Rep. Steve King aiming to be the most hated congressman from a flyover state since Tom "Miami is a Third-World Country" Tancredo?

Is Iowa Rep. Steve King aiming to be the most hated congressman from a flyover state since Tom “Miami is a Third-World Country” Tancredo?

Late last year, King assaulted the ownership of our Miami Dolphins during a congressional hearing over much more important things, and now he’s gone and said something incredibly stupid about Haitians asking for temporary protected status (TPS).

“This sounds to me like open borders advocates exercising the Rahm Emanuel axiom: ‘Never let a crisis go to waste,’” Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said in an e-mail message to ABCNews. “Illegal immigrants from Haiti have no reason to fear deportation, but if they are deported, Haiti is in great need of relief workers and many of them could be a big help to their fellow Haitians.”

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