Los Angeles teens chase alleged groper off of bus

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Los Angeles schoolgirls have been complaining for months to deputies patrolling transit lines about a man who allegedly had fondled, groped and felt them up while they road buses to and from school. Deputies have been searching high and low for the man.

The manhunt ended Thursday morning when a former female victim spotted the suspect.

She told a few boys on the bus and before it was over, 14 of her male classmates took matters into their own hands and chased the suspected fondler off the bus and down the street.

[NBCVIDEO source=”UNIWGT” video=”http://wgtclsp.nbcuni.com/o/4a784acd2b1a7e80/4be438dee18a3d66/29stxd1cWsRdSZkQM1RVKiIDAAZD/3521aac2/-cpid/2eb19e6f4c7c39cd” w=”400″ h=”400″ id=”W4a784acd2b1a7e804be438dee18a3d66″]

After a two-block chase, the boys stopped the man and made a citizens’ arrest.

The girls and boys all go to University High School in West Los Angeles; their identities are being withheld because they are minors.

Police identified the man accused of harassing the girls as 29-year-old Larry Mims. He is a registered sex offender who was convicted twice in the past decade in sex abuse cases.

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