From Washington Post:
The White House rushed Tuesday to allay concerns raised by some civil rights groups about Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan and the hiring record of Harvard Law School when she was dean.
Some black activists were already dismayed that no African American woman has reached President Obama’s short list in two searches. The selection of Kagan, the U.S. solicitor general, served to irritate them further, as they described her tenure at Harvard — which administration officials highlight as evidence of her practicality and her ability to work across ideological lines — as one lacking in racial inclusion.
Leaders of the NAACP and legal groups discussed their concerns Tuesday with White House officials, including senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.
Afterward, the Rev. Al Sharpton said Jarrett had described the role civil rights groups could play in supporting future nominees for solicitor general and district and appellate judges. Kagan’s nomination, Sharpton said, “is already made, and most of us are inclined to support it.”
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