Autism student’s artwork displayed in Metropolitan Museum of Art

Before he started creating artwork at school, Amoako Buachie, 18, a Brooklyn student with autism, was prone to violent night fits and screams that prompted neighbors to call the police...

From AOL Black Voices:

Before he started creating artwork at school, Amoako Buachie, 18, a Brooklyn student with autism, was prone to violent night fits and screams that prompted neighbors to call the police.

And then Buachie’s mother, Akosua Mainu, 46, a Ghanaian immigrant, enrolled him in a smaller five-person class that focused on artwork.

The fits and screams came to a halt.

“Before, he was fighting me in the morning, and he wouldn’t go to sleep at night,” Mainu told the New York Daily News. “He’s doing great now…I see so much improvement… it is not as before.”

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