From- The BVX
Is there any rapper more influential than Jay-Z?
Possibly ‘Pac, but for almost every other rapper their rhymes are considered just that, rhymes. Even Nas — who often puts religious imagery into his lyrics — doesn’t invoke the fervor for his verses that Jay-Z does. So when Jay-Z makes an occult allusion in a song his detractors tell us it is because he has been indoctrinated into the Illuminati. Yeah, the same Illuminati supposedly responsible for the New World Order (and much lesser known achievement like the better tasting Coke Zero).
This has got to be the most ridiculous hip-hop rumor ever. While Jay-Z is part of the pantheon of greatest songwriters of all time he isn’t a musician on the level of someone who can touch the majority of our nation, like Eminem could or Taylor Swift. If I was a governor in the Illuminati I wouldn’t sponsor Jay-Z for membership either. Jay-Z is on the verge of being marginalized in rap music due to his age.
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