9-year-old pulls 5 other kids out of burning home

Six of Otis Mason’s grandchildren are safe after his 9-year-old granddaughter got her three siblings and two cousins out of his burning house.

Fire broke out in Mason’s Nassau County, Florida home Monday night, the home he had lived in since 1984.

They did not see the kids because 9-year-old Shakira Rollo sprang into action immediately when she heard “fire.”

“When I saw the fire, I was thinking about the kids, so I got them out – my brothers, my sister, my cousins – and took them outside for safety,” said Shakira.

She was scared and worried, but tried to calm the children. “It’s going to be OK, don’t worry about it,” Shakira told them.

With the house being uninsured, the family got help from the Red Cross for three nights, but don’t know what’s next for them.

An account has been set up at the Southeastern Bank in Nassau County for those who want to help the family.

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