Oakland helps African-American youth focus on education

Two out of three of the young people being held in juvenile detention centers in August and September in that city were black, and 50 percent of the new detainees were black boys...

From Education Change

African American boys in Oakland don’t have the easiest road, if you go by these statistics.

Two out of three of the young people being held in juvenile detention centers in August and September in that city were black, and 50 percent of the new detainees were black boys.

The goal of the Oakland’s African-American male student achievement initiative is ambitious, but doable. They are giving themselves four years to cut the incarceration rate of African-American boys by 50 percent.

They also want to raise the average attendance of black males by 75 percent, double their high school graduation rate, eliminate the racial disparity in school suspensions, and close the literacy gap in fourth-grade.

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