Man who couldn’t blink for a year gets cured

Imagine having your eye stuck open for more than a year. No blinking, no shielding from the sun, not closing when you sleep. That’s what a Haitian man suffered, until a Florida doctor offered a solution, free of charge.

Imagine that this is all you can see. Ezechias Toussaint woke up that way one year ago. Ezechias says “While I’m washing my face I feel like this side is paralyzed.” Through the help of a translator, the Haitian native describes his pain, a paralyzed right eye with double vision and sudden loss of the ability to even blink.

Toussaint suffers from 7th Nerve Palsy, a condition Dr. Rachid Aouchiche sees often in patients suffering from stroke and infection. Prepped and sedated, Aouchiche works to save Toussaint’s sight, intricately cutting his eyelid open before stitching it shut

When he’s finished, part of Toussaints eye will be closed forever. A small sacrifice saving him scratches and a dried eye, and allowing him to blink for the first time in months. After a ten day recovery, Toussaint has his sights set on big plans. Ezechias says “I will continue my education. I’m a 2nd year student in telecommunication.”

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