Good samaritans save woman from knife attack

VIDEO - Chris Patino and Mustafa Said were at Wegman's just to get some candy. By the time they left they were heroes after they saved a young girl getting attacked...

Luther Vandross was outed as gay after his death.

“I think it was probably one of the craziest things that’s ever happened to me,” said Chris Patino.

Chris Patino and Mustafa Said were at Wegman’s just to get some candy. By the time they left — they were heroes after they saved a young girl getting attacked.

“And we were like, we can’t just stand there. It’s time to act,” said Mustafa Said. Chris went first, throwing himself at the attacker. “I just grabbed him and punched him back. And then he dropped the knife and somehow got the knife back,” said Patino.

“I took the knife and I flinged it back. Chris took the dude and put him on the ground,” said.

The knife severed the tendons in Mustafa’s hand. He was bleeding badly and so was the victim.

“She’s like I’m sorry. And I’m like you don’t have to be sorry. And she’s like please help me. He’s going to kill me. And I’m like no one is going to hurt you. I won’t let no one hurt you.”

At the same time, Chris was pinning the attacker on the ground and that’s when he heard him say thank you.

“I don’t know. I guess he really, probably deep inside he didn’t want to do it but he lost control and he just felt bad. And said thank you for stopping me.”

The sheriff’s office calls them heroes.

“They are absolutely heroes. The video shows them running towards the fight. If they didn’t intercede when they did in the manner they did, that it’s our belief that she would have died from the attack,” said Capt. Drew Forsyth.

The sheriff’s office said these two boys are heroes. If it wasn’t for them, they think the victim — Nicole Bean — would have died.