Janet Jackson moves on from Michael’s death

NEW YORK – In a network television exclusive, Meredith Vieira sat down with Janet Jackson to discuss her new book, True You: A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself. The interview will air on Friday, February 11th and Monday, February 14th on “Today” and Sunday, February 13th on “Dateline NBC” AT 7pm.

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In her interview, Jackson opens up about her complex childhood and longstanding issues with self-esteem, her career lows and highs, her struggles with weight, as well as her relationship with her family.

“I never ever felt attractive, there was this idea of “this is wrong about you.” Some people can say “shut up” and move on but I wasn’t one of those kids. It went straight to my heart. Whether it was serious or jokingly it affected me,” Jackson told Vieira.

In an except from the upcoming interview, Jackson talks openly about her personal mourning process following her brother Michael’s death.

“I was in Paris and it was one of those moments. At some point you have to move on and trying to do that become very difficult. There’s still not a day where I don’t think about it. Not one day,” she said.

Jackson went on to talk about how she spent a night watching all of his videos and listening to his songs.

“It was good for me. I needed it,” said Jackson.

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