Woman fatally stabbed over a fight about $20

A Brooklyn teen was busted Tuesday for fatally stabbing her brother's girlfriend in a fight sparked by an argument over a $20 loan to buy diapers, police sources said.

From NY Daily News

By Joe Jackson, Barry Paddock and Rocco Parascandola

A Brooklyn teen was busted Tuesday for fatally stabbing her brother’s girlfriend in a fight sparked by an argument over a $20 loan to buy diapers, police sources said.

Kayla Henriques, 18, calmly ate Chinese food after confessing to the Monday night attack in a Brooklyn housing project, sources told the Daily News.

John Jay College graduate Kamisha Richards was knifed once in the chest in the Cypress Hills Houses on Sutter Ave. in East New York about 10:35 p.m., officials said.

“It didn’t look like she was stabbed,” said a relative of Richard’s boyfriend. “She just stumbled, and I caught her. Then all she said was, ‘Oh, God.’ I tried to help her, stop a rag on to stop the bleeding.”

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