SHIRLEY, Mass. — After Tamik Kirkland, 24, escaped from a minimum security prison in Shirley, Police are scouring the area to find him again.
Kirkland, was designated an escapee at 7:37 a.m. on Monday. Kirkland was serving up to a four year sentence for a weapons conviction and would have been eligible for parole in February. Prison officials said a special apprehension team was alerted after guards noticed the Springfield man had gone missing.
Bob Sokolowski, a local resident, says he’s confident Kirkland will be found.
“These guys here do a good job,” Bob Sokolowski said. “And the state does a good job.”
Officials believe Kirkland fled to nearby Route 2, where he could have arranged for a ride. Shirley’s Police Chief said there are no fences at the minimum-security prison, unlike the high fences and sharp barbed wire that keep more dangerous inmates from escape.
In 2009, Kirkland was convicted of possession of unlicensed weapons, a loaded shotgun and a loaded machine gun. There was also a drug charge. One resident who lives a quarter mile from the prison said he had hoped to see a larger police presence after the escape.
“First and foremost at the schools, protecting the kids,” he said. “If you look across the street right now, buses are lining up to pick up the children and there’s not one police car present there.”
Corrections officials said they are confident Kirkland will be apprehended shortly, and he will face increased security. Kirkland will also be prosecuted for escape. If you have information on Kirkland’s whereabouts, you are encouraged to contact Massachusetts State Police.
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