Odd Future: The popular L.A. hip-hop collective 'sign io themselves'

From Huffington Post:

Somehow managing to ride the line between overwhelming pop ubiquity and anarchic underground independence, the L.A.-based hip-hop collective Odd Future (full name: Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All, or OFWGKTA) has written its own rules yet again.

Just yesterday, only a month after Funny or Die lampooned the idea of the group receiving major-label backing, it was confirmed that the mostly teenage members of Odd Future had done just that, partnering with Sony’s RED Distribution to create their own label-within-a-label. According to a statement from their management, the group’s members will “release music-based content consistent with their vision” under the Odd Future Records banner.

“RED and Sony know that it’s in everyone’s best interest to maintain the group’s authenticity and control,” the statement said. “They built it, they deserve it.”

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