Old Spice Guy makes bid to be Luke Cage

From NBC Los Angeles’ PopcornBiz:

Isaiah Mustafa improbably achieved fame pitching Old Spice. In the blink of an eye he went from washed out NFL player to viral video star, but he wants more.

What he specifically wants is to be Luke Cage, aka Power Man, the “Hero for Hire” that was originally Marvel Comics attempt at tapping into the Black Power vibe of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. Sent to jail for a crime he did not commit, Cage agreed to be a human guinea for a project that sought to cure all illness, but instead gave him super-human strength and super-tough skin.

In a Q&A earlier this year, when Mustafa was asked which comic book hero he’d most like to play, he wasted not a moment, answering, “Luke Cage.” Turns out he’s so committed to this dream that he short trailer selling himself as Cage.

We’re not entirely sold on the clip, he doesn’t strike us as tough/jacked/angry enough for the role, but we haven’t heard any other names that really impressed, so who knows?

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