From Gawker
In 2008, Christopher Renfro, a black former employee of retailer American Apparel, sued the company for racial discrimination, alleging that a coworker had repeatedly called him “ni**er.” Finally, the suit has been settled. In Renfro’s favor.
Yesterday, Renfro’s attorney informed us that an arbitrator in California had awarded Renfro more than $300,000 in the case. American Apparel’s attorney dismissed his complaint as a case of a coworker singing along with rap lyrics, and says that the award is swelled mostly by attorney’s fees.
Here are the full statements from both sides. First, from Christopher Renfro’s attorney Barbara Figari:
An arbitrator in Oakland, California found in favor of a former American Apparel employee who sued the company after his supervisor racially harassed him by repeatedly calling him a “ni**er.”
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