92-year-old 'just had' to see murderer up close

CLEVELAND – A World War II veteran wanted “see what an accused serial killer looks like” up close and personal.

Sowell is accused of 11 murders — while trying to kill three others in his home.

According to Singleton, he has seen a lot in his life — studying people.

“I wanted to see what a person looks like after committing so much wrong. Your expression, your movements. How do you feel normal after murder after murder after murder?”

NBC Cleveland reports Singleton began studying people growing up, and he experienced people’s inhumanity in the highly segregated Deep South in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

He recalled a question about race he was once asked.

“They asked me then would I rather have been white,” he smiled. “I thought a while and told them I’d rather be black and free of hate.”

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