Aid groups say more than 12 million people are being affected by the drought and famine in the horn of Africa.
Now, a new concern has arisen, cholera.
“To talk about it is so hard,” Zanaib Ibrahim said about losing a child to both cholera and hunger.
“My son was my world,” she says, “even at eight, he helped me with the younger children. I am destroyed.”
Her husband Abdi, a farmer before the famine says, “it is difficult to talk about the future. All we can think about is food.”
Their two-year-old son is sick. He’s among the growing number of children dying of hunger and disease in an overwhelmed hospital.
With more than 640,000 children still in jeopardy, .the world is struggling to keep up with the need.
There is a little hope for Zanaib and Abdi. They returned to Mogadishu’s central hospital to find their two-year-old getting better. He weighed six pounds when they brought him in, but now doctors say he will survive.
According to human rights report, most of the people at greatest risk of dying are in areas still controlled by the Islamic militants, Al Shabab, who have been linked to Al Qaeda.