Rep. Waters found Obama speech to Black Caucus 'curious'

WASHINGTON (AP) - She says Obama didn't address Hispanics in such a blunt manner and would never use that language in a speech to a gathering of gays or Jews...

Luther Vandross was outed as gay after his death.

WASHINGTON (AP) – Rep. Maxine Waters says she’s not sure who President Barack Obama was talking to when he told black Americans to quit complaining and follow him into the battle for jobs and opportunity.

The California Democrat, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, says she found the president’s language “a bit curious.” She says Obama didn’t address Hispanics in such a blunt manner and would never use that language in a speech to a gathering of gays or Jews.

Interviewed Monday on CBS’ “Early Show,” Waters said black Americans fully support Obama and are working to promote his agenda. She says African-Americans want voters to be enthusiastic about Obama in 2012.

In Saturday’s fiery speech to the caucus, Obama told blacks to “put on your marching shoes” and “stop grumbling.’”

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