From Talking Points Memo:
Just a few months ago, Robert Marro was singing Herman Cain’s praises. Now he’s as cynical about the rapidly collapsing Republican presidential insider as a DC political reporter.
Marro’s story is similar to many, except for one thing: He’s one of the Muslims who helped rehabilitate Cain’s image after the Cain tried step down as the Pied Piper of Islamophobia.
Back in July, Cain visited the ADAMS Center, a Northern Virginia mosque where Marro serves as a trustee. This followed months of Cain beating the drum that Muslims in this country were to be feared and don’t deserve the same rights as other religious Americans.
After the meeting, Cain said he emerged a changed man, more open-minded about the faith he admitted to knowing little about before the visit. Marro told TPM Cain was telling the truth.
“He seemed genuinely surprised,” Marro said at the time. “It was almost like he was saying, ‘I should’ve known better.’”
Cain kept up his concerns about encroaching sharia law, but for the most part he toned down the Muslim stuff in favor of 9-9-9.
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